The Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw are a longstanding traditional alliance between the four tribes: Gwawa'enuxw (Hopetown), Kwickwasut'inuxw (Gilford), Haxwa’mis (Wakeman) and Dzawada’enuxw (Kingcome). This relationship was re-solidified in 1938 with the raising of the Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw Totem Pole.
In the 1980’s talks were initiated between the Chiefs of the Kwiksut'inuxw- Haxwa’mis, Gwawa'enuxw and Dzawada’enuxw to discuss the land question. They decided to form a tribal council as a way to collectively deal with the land question and created the MTTC.  Board membership is made up of two representatives from each member band.
Membership has changed over the years with other bands being part of the organization but as of the summer of 2011, the membership reverted back to the original bands. The MTTC administration office was located in Alert Bay for several years and, in March of 2012, the MDTC administration office moved to Campbell River where it is presently located 201-437 10th Ave Campbell River, BC.